Based on real story of our customer

I want to tell you a real story of one of our customers and the resistance to change that they faced. Some time ago, one company started implementing Steve the Clerk CPQ software to their sales process. One of their salespeople stated that he doesn’t need the help of the software. He said that he is capable of managing everything in his old way. He is indeed an outstanding salesperson who can take care of his tasks responsively.

However, we all make mistakes now and then and by forgetting to add specific components to the quote. As you can imagine, mispricing some elements can cost the company easily tens of thousands.

Resistance to change in business

So, after some time, the salesperson tried the CPQ out of curiosity, and it didn’t take long for him to realize the benefits. With the help of the CPQ software, he started selling more. And not only because the software provided him with all the needed information. He got all the documents generated by software as well. For him, the most important thing was that now he had more time to take care of his other responsibilities.

After some time had passed, our customer gave us a call. “Guess what? Remember the salesperson we were a bit worried about in the beginning? So, now he wants to have the rest of our products added to the CPQ as soon as possible.”

It is a common challenge for a lot of companies to implement new business software or ways of working. However, it’s also a well-known fact that if you want to develop and grow as a person or a company, you need to go out of your comfort zone. Sometimes you may find yourself being thankful for your courage.